I don't want you to get sick: You may want to read this...
In the world, the people I belong to, the ones that I, truly, identify with are the broken people. I am broken. There was one day, that I became sick and tired of it, that I threw away all the broken things. I threw away the broken chair, and everything broken. Nobody would listen to me. Hearing is different from listening. Listening with love is what broken people need. When I was a young boy. I was robbed of my sanity. Then, it became downhill from then on. You may know Kurt Cobain, Robin Williams and many others. I know how they felt like to have a broken spirit. Yes, they were successful. They had a family, a rewarding career. However, it is an illness. Some want to live more after being diagnosed with Cancer or something else. With my people, we had it so bad that we just want to stop the anguish and the pain and the suffering. How do you fix a broken spirit? It is a jungle out there. There are wolves in sheep's...