A Gift
A gift is free You can return it to the giver You can accept and open it If you do not like it, you can throw it away If you do like it, then you can use it If you do not need it, you can give it to someone else If you do need it, then you should like to take care of it So that it would last a lifetime So that it would help you So that it would empower you My written work is my gift to you Sometimes, I write in crooked lines Why? Because God will make it straight for you I do not like to spoil the fun Life is full of fun, surprises, and excitement Life can be a spiral downward spin too But, it makes it all the more worth it You may wonder what I really meant in a few lines I like you to think for yourself, to navigate on your own You have your own life to live and a covenant with God Pray for enlightenment If you do not understand there are signs everywhere Be connected to the Unmoved and you will go far Be still, life is too precious to dwell on the ...