The Keys

'What are you looking for, Mr. Livingstone???'

He shivered in excruciating pain, the slightest movement made him cry out to the heavens...

Peter Livingstone is terminally ill. His doctor gave him three weeks. Not a single day more. He heard the voice again...

'What are you looking for, Peter?'

'Keys...' he mumbled somehow. Audible in the quiet sterile hospital room.

'There are no keys, Pete.'

'What do you mean?' he asked, as tears welled up and began to flow.

'Get inside your heart. Your soul.'

'I can only knock.'

'There are no keys to them.'

'Okay then,' Peter began to whisper a prayer.

'You open the door to your heart. From the inside.'

'Each door to one's heart has no knob. There is no need for keys.'

'You let Me into your heart.'

Then, Peter Livingstone thought about Him and felt His presence.

Then, the Living Water gushed inside his soul and he felt refreshed.


At last.

*An Adaptation from a photo.

photo credit: just.Luc Keys via photopin (license)
License: (license)


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