The Gates
Gary Neutown walked in strides almost to the point of running. He had to leave. It was thirteen milliseconds before dusk. The sky had turned a berserk of red and orange hues. The sun bade its final farewell. Gary was halfway to the gates. Then, to his chagrin the iron gates were shut closed. And, locked with a huge padlock.
He was a little too late.
The next morning, Gary went to his sanctuary. He was exhilarated. It was dawn. And it was the moment when the darkness had been overcome by the morning sun. When he arrived at the gates, they were closed. He called out to the security officer. No one answered.
He was a little too early.
photo credit: sludgegulper BucureÅŸti Gates to the empty former Presidential Palace. June 1996 via photopin (license)
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