
Inspires | Ascension Presents: Generosidad: El Mayor Regalo Espiritual

  Ascension Press  and  Ascension Presents   in collaboration with  Inspires   give you this riveting magnum opus.‎.. Condensed Reflection By James Z. Carpio According to Father Mike, Generosity is the spiritual gift that is love put into action. There are many gifts that we already have and that we take for granted or much worse— we do not use. Why pray for super natural gifts when we have one that would be just as good or even better? He cites an example when one would ask for the power of healing. The kind of gift where one just lays one’s hands on the sick and there is a miracle of getting well. Father Mike illustrates the point when we are already given the gift of mobility. Why not visit your friend or family member at the hospital instead? For sure that would be greatly appreciated. Actions speak louder than words. Generosity is the fruition of hope, faith, and, love. In desperate times, we can help anyone according to the gift we already have. In ...

🇵🇭 4K HD Tour of Naga Metropolitan Cathedral, Philippines [4K]


Inspires | Ascension Presents: Will My Pet Be in Heaven?

    Ascension Press  and  Ascension Presents   in collaboration with  Inspires   give you this riveting magnum opus.‎.. Condensed Reflection  By James Carpio Father Mike explains, expertly, that it is a possibility. I was born here without anything. When I die I cannot take with me anything. If I go to heaven will I see my family and friends there ? I do not know. They lived their own lives.  One thing for sure though, if I make it to heaven, God will be there. And that is enough for me. May you be inspired by the Holy Spirit and God bless!

Inspires | Ascension Presents: The Christian Life IS Impossible

  Ascension Press  and  Ascension Presents   in collaboration with  Inspires   give you this riveting magnum opus.‎.. Condensed Reflection by James Z. Carpio Is it not that the ending of the video of Father Mike heartwarming? We have mercenary hearts but are we not glad that Our Lord Jesus has a Merciful Heart? I am not enough. You are not enough. He is not enough. She is not enough. We are all not enough. Saint Peter was asked to walk on water. At first he could, however he faltered with his faith and began to sink and Our Good Shepherd clasped his hand and pulled him up. In suffering our faith is tested. In suffering the grace given to us helps us survive. Put simply, more and more sufferings mean so much more and more graces. A sufferer once asked the Divine Healer, my Lord why am I suffering? And, the Redeemer replied, My Grace is enough for you. Yes, Christian Life IS Impossible indeed. Yes, we are not enough. However, do not get discouraged. Because...

Inspires | Ascension Presents: Can I Go to Confession Over Zoom?

  Ascension Press  and  Ascension Presents   in collaboration with  Inspires   give you this riveting magnum opus.‎..   Condensed Reflection by James Z. Carpio Personally, I would not want to go to confession over Zoom. Why? Because what if there is a technical glitch, or a hack, and the confession got recorded and got leaked. Think about it. I absolutely concur with Father Mike, we do not live online. We are not Artificial Intelligence. We live in the world. We are human. Jesus has Presence. Thus, all sacraments have to be administered with us being present. We can go to confession in person in our most convenient time. Today, this weekend, or as what Father Mike said, “…even right now!” Because God loves you. May you be inspired by the Holy Spirit and God bless!

Pia Toscano - “Labor of Love” - Lyric Video

Thank you to   Pia Toscano

Inspires | Issuu: Much Ado About Nothing

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