Katekismo Corner: On Ecclesiology: The Mystery of the Church II: No. 39
On Ecclesiology: The Mystery of the Church II
Recent scandals, particularly, abuse by clerics, have led many to lose faith in the Church. In the distant but not lost history of the Church, there were even worse scandals that rocked the Church. In the 11th Century, Theophylactus of Tusculum became Pope Benedict IX at 12 years of age, who was thrice elected and thrice deposed for unspeakable deeds such as murder, torture and theft. In the 14th Century, there was the Great Western Schism when there were Three Popes at the same time. Further compounded by Bishops and Priests who live in debauchery, Catholics who commit heinous crimes, and even Leaders who studied in the best Catholic Schools but are marked by corruption, it is only relevant that we ask, “Is the Catholic Church truly Holy?”
The Church is one complex reality. She is a hundred percent human and a hundred percent divine. These two elements inseparably united in Her explain why She is both an earthly and heavenly reality. While She is a visible society governed by people, She is the Mystical Body of Christ whose head is Jesus Christ Himself, and the soul, as it were, is the Holy Spirit. She is Holy, yet, is constantly in need of purification by penance and renewal. She is consistently in action but guided by contemplation. She seeks the poor and afflicted but does not neglect the rich, and, leads them all to the true, incorruptible treasures in heaven.
It is good to note that the Greek “mysterion” is translated into Latin by two terms: mysterium and sacramentum. Mystery, in the ecclesiastical sense, is a hidden reality not yet divinely revealed. Sacrament, is the visible sign of this hidden reality.
In the Prayer of Peace during Mass, we beseech the Lord, “Look not on our sins, but on the Faith of the Church.” Because truly, amidst the sins of the People of God, is the reality of Salvation brought about by Jesus and entrusted to his Church. As the Holy Spirit continues to work through the Church to bring about the Communion of the People with God, the Church remains as the universal Sacrament of Salvation.
Yes, because of human folly, we err. But because of Divine Grace, we are called to return to God and be holy as His Church.