Ascension Presents: Can Someone Be Denied Holy Communion?

  Ascension Press and Ascension Presents       

in collaboration with Inspires
give you this riveting magnum opus.‎..

Condensed Reflection
By James Z. Carpio

I am here now on Earth because my Mama loved me and she even had another baby just so that I would have a buddy.

Papa's Post: Fourteen!

Image courtesy of chrisroll at

Today is special --- the day you turn eighteen.

You've grown so well, in age and wisdom and grace.

I still remember, perhaps you wouldn't have been

If not for Mommy's faith, her heroic ways.

Long ago, when Thirteen was eight months old,

Mommy had a stroke, was paralyzed.

"No further pregnancies" so she was told,

"Or else your life would be jeopardized!"

She didn't agree. She said, "That cannot be!

"There's got to be a buddy for James the Less

"So James the Great, Fourteen, is coming, you'll see!"

She talked with God that's why. He answered, "Yes!"

Great was our joy that December morn!

Mommy was well! You were naturally born!

9 Dec 94

Reminders from Father Mike:

1. If you have Mortal Sin you have to go to Confession first. You are spiritually dead in a state of mortal sin.

1.1 He encourages us that we should like to admit our sins because God is Merciful. Love is new everyday. You will be healed. You will be reconciled.

1.2. The cure for Mortal Sin is Confession.

2. The cure for the sick is Holy Communion.

The Church always encourages us to come back. To mind your own business. Not the business of anybody.

Our business means:

Our own hearts. No matter how broken it may be...

The Eucharist is not a right but a gift. It gives us eternal life. 

3. We have to be worthy in order to receive the Gift of Holy Communion..

(If not, His Body and Blood is condemnation on ourselves. We are guilty of Our Lord Jesus' murder i.e. loss of eternal salvation.

The Eucharist is Medicine for the sick not for the dead, specifically, spiritually dead. It is important to note that venial sins are still along the silver linings of hope. On the other hand, mortal sins are grave sins. Thus, the need for The Sacrament of Confession.)

Come back to Eternal Life!

Go to Confession!

Receive the Gift of The Eucharist!

May you be inspired by The Holy Spirit and God bless!


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