I am here now on Earth because my Mama loved me and she even had another baby just so that I would have a buddy.
Papa's Post: Fourteen!
Image courtesy of chrisroll at FreeDigitalPhotos.net
Today is special --- the day you turn eighteen.
You've grown so well, in age and wisdom and grace.
I still remember, perhaps you wouldn't have been
If not for Mommy's faith, her heroic ways.
Long ago, when Thirteen was eight months old,
Mommy had a stroke, was paralyzed.
"No further pregnancies" so she was told,
"Or else your life would be jeopardized!"
She didn't agree. She said, "That cannot be!
"There's got to be a buddy for James the Less
"So James the Great, Fourteen, is coming, you'll see!"
She talked with God that's why. He answered, "Yes!"
Great was our joy that December morn!
Mommy was well! You were naturally born!
9 Dec 94
Reminders from Father Mike:
1. If you have Mortal Sin you have to go to Confession first. You are spiritually dead in a state of mortal sin.
1.1 He encourages us that we should like to admit our sins because God is Merciful. Love is new everyday. You will be healed. You will be reconciled.
1.2. The cure for Mortal Sin is Confession.
2. The cure for the sick is Holy Communion.
The Church always encourages us to come back. To mind your own business. Not the business of anybody.
Our business means:
Our own hearts. No matter how broken it may be...
The Eucharist is not a right but a gift. It gives us eternal life.
3. We have to be worthy in order to receive the Gift of Holy Communion..
(If not, His Body and Blood is condemnation on ourselves. We are guilty of Our Lord Jesus' murder i.e. loss of eternal salvation.
The Eucharist is Medicine for the sick not for the dead, specifically, spiritually dead. It is important to note that venial sins are still along the silver linings of hope. On the other hand, mortal sins are grave sins. Thus, the need for The Sacrament of Confession.)
Come back to Eternal Life!
Go to Confession!
Receive the Gift of The Eucharist!
May you be inspired by The Holy Spirit and God bless!
( Mister George Nasr, farthest left ) Currently, parts of the nation are still suffering the destruction brought about by the Super Typhoon Gaemi, and that is just during storm season. Even on ordinary days, in June of this year 2024, the Head of the Maronites On Mission from Australia, Mister George Nasr, conducted a special charity endeavour. Tell me something more about this mission. How is it different from the regular charity work of the Maronites? Mr. Nasr, “The regular work I do with Maronites On Mission (MOM) usually targets and helps the masses. Larger groups of people whom benefit from large scale humanitarian aid. This mission was different, very specific, targeted to help individual needs of people.” When did you arrive in Naga and when was the mission accomplished? Mr. Nasr, “ I’ve been in the Philippines since June 17 through to June the 29th.” You mentioned that you and your three-member-team booked accommodations at a local hotel, this showed your dedication to help the...
The Holy Family Carpio assumes top NBI post Carpio was appointed the 10th director of the National Bureau of Investigation. Carpio, 54, was an active human rights lawyer under the Marcos regime, the reason why he was detained when martial law was declared in 1972, and again in 1981, while seeking justice for victims of the Daet Massacre of June 14, 1981. Born on October 25, 1931, in Naga City, he finished his high school at the Camarines Norte High School in 1949 and his pre-law degree, at the Ateneo de Naga in 1951. After completing his second year in law at the University of the Philippines in 1953 as a scholar, he was called to active service into the Armed Forces of the Philippines as a member of the 8th and 10th Battalion Combat Team (BCT). He was transferred to the Philippine Constabulary in 1959, during which he completed his last two years in law at the San Beda College in 1962 where he placed 14th in the 1962 bar examinations. Then, h...
On Sponsors of Baptism We are always delighted when our Ninong or Ninang gives us a gift during Christmas. And so often, parents would choose Sponsors who are well-to-do and are known to be generous. They, the Ninong and Ninang, usually volunteer to “sponsor” or take care of the fees, give gifts, and even shoulder the expenses for the celebration. Sometimes too, parents would choose Sponsors as a reward for friendship. But more than that, the spiritual bond created should be given a priority. This is why, the Code of Canon Law devotes a whole chapter on the Sponsors of Baptism that specifies the qualifications, duties and obligations of a Sponsor, to guide the Parents, with the help of the Pastor, in choosing a Sponsor. It is good to review them here. The primary function of a Sponsor is to stand witness to the conferral of the Sacrament of Baptism. This finds special importance since Baptism is conferred only once and if records are lost, the testimony under oath by the sponso...