Katekismo Corner: On the Holy Mass: Communion Rite: No. 25


On the Holy Mass: Communion Rite

The 3rd Part of the Liturgy of the Eucharist is the Communion Rite. We remember that the Holy Mass is a Banquet reminiscent of the Lord’s Supper and so the Communion Rite is where we partake of the Body and Blood of Christ.

The Rite begins with the Lord’s Prayer wherein there is a petition made for daily food. And no other daily food is preeminent and efficacious than the Eucharist itself. The embolism follows prayed by the priest alone. This prayer expands the last petition of the Lord’s prayer “deliver us from evil” that is why it is also called Prayer of Deliverance. As we await the Parousia, the coming again of Jesus, we petition our Lord deliver us from all evil, to keep us free from sin and protect us from all distress. The prayer is concluded by the people with a doxology.

When Jesus appeared to His Disciples in the evening of His Resurrection, His first words to them was “Peace be with you”. And so after the Prayer of Deliverance from evil is the Prayer for Peace. We beseech the Peace of the Lord for ourselves and for the entire Church. One important petition in this prayer is asking the Lord to “Look not on our sins, but on the faith of the Church”. We know our own sinfulness before God and we acknowledge that only forgiveness of our sins can bring us true peace. And because of the merits of the faith and good works of others, reparation for our sins are satisfied. In the same way, we continue doing good works whose merits can be applied in atonement for the sins of others. As it were, the collective faith and good works of all members of the Church complement the lack of them in ourselves and others. The altruism Jesus asks of us may be fulfilled by this wonderful prayer. Thus, when we offer each other peace, in a good sense, we are forgiving each other’s sins just as we prayed “as we forgive those who trespass against us”.

After the Rite of Peace comes the Fraction reminiscent of the “Breaking of Bread” as the early christians called the Holy Mass. The presider breaks the Eucharistic Host and puts a small piece into the chalice signifying the unity of the Body and Blood of the Lord while the Chant “Agnus Dei” is sung or recited. Then comes the Communion proper where first the Priest invites the faithful to partake of the “Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world”. And the priest and faithful make an act of humility be saying “Lord, I am not worthy to receive you…”. Distribution of Communion follows while a Communion chant is sung. When there is no singing, the Communion Antiphon is recited by the faithful or by a lector, or even by the Priest before the distribution of Communion.

The Communion Rite is concluded by the Prayer after Communion where the Priest prays for the fruits of the Sacrament just received.

Sources: Gospel of John, Sacrosanctum Concilium, Missale Romanum, Catechism of the Catholic Church, General Instructions of the Roman Missal.

Church Stock photos by Vecteezy


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