Realistic Realities: The Descent of he Holy Spirit

Realistic Realities:
The Descent of the Holy Spirit
By: jlzc, May 31, 2020

The end of May in lockdown wear and tear...
"How long shall our funds last?" Asked my daughter.
"As long as you have your supply of beer?"
Deeply concerned that I've no work, no cheer.

Child then, you asked: "Isn't God our Father?"
So would He abandon us, AB dear?
"Yes... no...just being realistic here..."
Still quite concerned; my growing teenager.

God, our Father is not realistic,
You mean? ..."Papa! That's being sarcastic!"
Quo vadis? In these quarantine concerns...
Fear, sickness, death, uncertainties, and germs...

Come, Holy Spirit! In our times of dearth.
Renew with Thine Love, the face of the earth!


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