Patrick Lindsay: Do It Now (James Comments...)

IT'S ALWAYS easier to put things off until later. But it usually compounds the problems. And it magnifies their impact when they finally arrive. Grasp the chance; take action now. It brings great satisfaction and offers many unexpected opportunities.


The future depends on what you do today.

Mohandas Karamchand (Mahatma) Gandhi


James Comments

Forewarned is forearmed. 

Do it effectively i.e. the best quality and do it efficiently i.e. in the soonest possible time.......

Today is a special day. I saw light.

He gave me the gift of light.

I share with you the same gift.

May you be inspired by the Holy Spirit and May God bless us all! 

photo credit: O.S. Fisher Ambition via photopin (license)
License: (license)


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