God's Children

Profile picture of James Z. Carpio, a writer
James Z. Carpio, writer

Because God loves me.
He saved me.
From them...
He wants me to do this.
For you.
Because God loves you too.

We are all God's children.
We came in the world as babies.
Just like He did one night at Bethlehem.

Then, regardless of everything.
We are all brothers and sisters.

As we approach the Season of Advent.

May the green of the wreath remind us of hope.
May the red of the candy cane remind us of love.
May the violet of the ribboned candles remind us of fortitude.
May the blue robes of the kings remind us of peace.
May the yellow star remind us of wisdom.
May the pink of the  Gaudete Sunday remind us of the nearness of His coming.
May the orange skies remind us of our own fragility.
May the brown soil remind us of God's plans.

Is it not amusing that God played with clay and He created mankind.
He showed Noah the rainbow as a sign of hope and His covenant of peace.

We are stewards of God's creation.
Let us accept and obey His will.


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