Let us analyze your mind, shall we?

First, you should have seen the two movies Groundhog Day and The Truman Show.

If not, then skip this one because you will take everything out of context.

The whole city is overly saturated by security cameras. Almost every nook and cranny of public places have them.

Including the major road blueprint.

People have smart phones.

The Police Force has its own Intelligence Unit..

There are organizations and groups as well i.e. altruistic ones and sinister ones.

Let us now watch ESPN.

In the final analysis, let us play the song with the thunderous line in our mind... "God is watching us from a distance", at least every hour, so that it would be indelibly marked in our brains.

Easy right?

photo credit: Free For Commercial Use (FFC) Mind via photopin (license)
License: (license)


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