Guest Post | Atty. Juan Luis Z. Carpio - Paradoxical

(By jlzc, October 18, 2018)

October 1, 2018, during the triple bypass procedure,
I felt nothing as I was sedated, no room for any seizure.
Thank goodness that this time, it was UNEVENTFUL.
But it is in the aftermath, that all else became painful!

Well-wishes and prayers for a FAST and SPEEDY recovery!
How could it be when I was told to take it SLOW and EASY?
Don’t baby the agony and the pain; rise up and move around!
With the bills, my heart beat out of rhythm in raucous pound.

Despite much restrictions, infinite possibiities still abound!
I cannot travel yet to Bicol or Bohol, hence, literally aground.
But I can reach for the stars while in hospital and refuge confines!
A Spyrometer a star can do 3000, I also aimed; persistence refines.

“In weakness, Power reaches Perfection!” is rather paradoxical.
Give ALL til nothing left, in order to follow Him, IS Providential!

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