Guest Post | Atty. Juan Luis Z. Carpio - Our Father

(By jlzc October 16, 2018)

One time, in Jagna, reality concerns, much a bother,
You asked me, dear AB, "Papa, Isn't God, Our Father?"
"Yes, anak." I heavily sighed. "Then we are rich!"
"We own everything!" You exclaimed with a high pitch.

"But we should share..." you concluded with reflective concern.
Events unfolded and with the ominous heart bypass about a turn,
Finances asked to the last drop, leaving us with virtually nothing.
But then again, "Isn't God, Our Father?" means just everything!?"

Family and friends poured out concern, contributions and prayer.
Responding to the vocation, "we are our brothers' and sisters' keeper.
The burden became lighter and bearable when in love it was shared.
The mystery of God's Providence and Salvation generously bared.

Ah, in pain and suffering this sinful Juan finds it so touching and humbling.
God, IS Our Father! Juan's renewed heart is moved to tears in Thanksgiving!

photo credit: Lawrence OP Agony in the Garden via photopin (license)
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