Ascension Presents | The Cure for Entitlement

in collaboration with Inspires 
give you this riveting magnum opus.‎..

Condensed Reflection
by James Z. Carpio

The world, certainly, does not revolve around me or to any person for that matter.

Having written that, allow me to share my story as a writer again if you failed to read my personal history. Just for emphasis.

I knew quite young that I had been given the gift or talent for writing. Essentially, I come from a long line of writers in the family. Both my parents were writers and a few of my siblings, then, providentially, the next generation has promising aspiring writers. All in the family.

Father Mike mentioned about Millenials as being the people who are prone to the dangers of entitlement. I do hope my nephews and nieces would come to a realization that it is indeed a wonderful gift.

Furthermore, I have a natural inclination for a happy disposition about life in all its splendor.

I am grateful. Saying, "thank you," was taught to me by my mother. I was shy then and it should not be an excuse for not expressing gratitude.

In the mundane details of everyday life, I do my homework. Myriad researches. Metaphorically, dotting the i's and crossing the t's. Simply put, sheer hard work.

I became a Columnist for two newspapers. It is a gargantuan responsibility.

At the end of the day, it is all for the Greater Glory of God.


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