Ascension Presents | Inspiration to Stop Complaining

in collaboration with Inspires 
give you this riveting magnum opus.‎..

Condensed Reflection
by James Z. Carpio

I do not complain most of the time, I remember when I was a young boy my father told me, "you have to speak up Son, because I cannot read minds and I need to know what I could help you with, okay?"

From then on, I would tell my father when I would need his help with anything.

The Lord's Prayer, succinctly, has a line which states: give us this day our daily bread. I believe that this is the time that we ask gifts from God. Ask and you shall receive. Divine Providence.

I am blessed and because of that I am truly grateful to God.

"In all things I give thanks to God," just like what Father Mike advises. 

A gift and an opportunity?

The fact that I had been able to use my gift of writing has turned this out into a wonderful opportunity to share my blessings with you.

Thank you, my Lord and my God!



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