My Uncle

What is he going to think about me when he sees me? I don't know.  Uh, I feel awkward. Hmmm... it's been awhile. Oh, it's a quarter before three. The wind is a bit cold. I hope he recognizes me. Yeah, I don't remember his face anymore. Just by looking at his pictures, but, then again, those are old pictures. When was it that he left? Ah, darn, I don't like the past. He arranged everything for me to get here. I have to collect my thoughts, Dad told me before he passed away that he is the comedian in the family. Okay, now, I am, really, apprehensive. I think the gift I bought for him is awful. But, I do not know what else to give him. I hope it will do.

Oh, I think that would be him.... Uncle Bernard...

"You're almost exactly the same image of your Dad. Welcome to Crochevtch, Justin!"

"Uhm... Yes, Sir, it was a long flight. Uncle Bernie, I'm glad I'm here. How about Auntie Rachel?"

"She's with your cousin, Anastasia, at the parking sector of the airport. C'mon let's get your things and go home".

"I bought you this. It's nothing special," the young man mumbled.

"Thank you, Justin".

The old man opened the tiny package wrapped in white Japanese paper...

... It's a signet ring.

photo credit: Neil. Moralee Living In The Past. via photopin (license)
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