Be A Light: A Nostalgic Afternoon with Our Parents

I had a happy childhood.

There was one memorable afternoon that I realized, that God blessed me with the best parents that I needed to have, in order to fulfill my own mission on Earth.

One rainy afternoon, my younger brother and I, were taken along with our parents to The Manila Hotel. Then, our father led the way to the restaurant. I still remember the name of that place. Café Ilang Ilang.

It was sheer opulence.

It was not extravagance though, but, it is the best.

Excellence. In one word.

It is only now, that I had an awakening as to why our parents treated us for a grand meal at that place.

They wanted us to see and experience what the best is, in its grand-full-scale-splendor.

It made us aspire. And, the value of excellence became ingrained in our consciousness.

It meant that we had to strive to be the best.

We saw how the team of employees of the hotel conducted themselves; with utmost dignity, competency, commitment, dedicationand above all, professionalism.

To observe and experience that event was, indeed, a pivotal learning and life changing experience. 

It inspired me. And, it made me dream...

Through the years, I always gave my best.

At times I would fail, however, I am always directed towards the path of improving and in evolving. Hence, to become the best version of myself.

So that, in my own way, I could help make a difference.


By being a light to the world. It may not be as illuminating as the sun's rays.

But, just enough to enlighten, like a tiny-lit-candle, which they say is much better than to stumble in the confusing and chaotic darkness that often looms when people become lost and unfocused...


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