Ascension Presents | Waiting for Christmas

in collaboration with Inspires 
give you this riveting magnum opus.‎..

Condensed Reflection

by James Z. Carpio

When I was a little boy, my siblings and I were told to wait for the scheduled time to open the Christmas Presents. I followed that rule of course, but then, I was excited about my gifts.

What I would do is sit beside the tall ornate Christmas Tree, and I would look for my presents, then, I would hold them, and shake them a bit, and then peek a bit. And then, I would guess what they were and I could not wait to see them. That was the excitement of Christmas for me.

There was one time my parents caught me and exclaimed, "He sure couldn't wait to open his presents!" And, they gave a hearty laugh.

Attending a Catholic School is perhaps advantageous because we were prepared for Christmas. We went to confession and recollection. Advent rituals were done and followed accordingly.

While I wait, sometimes, I would feel that God would want me to be still, and just be captivated by His Presence, and by His Love. Then, I am at peace.

I became receptive just as what Father Mike enlightened us to God's invitation to prayer, most especially, the Holy Mass.

Listening is much different from just hearing. We listen to God speaking to our heart as His Words, essentially, resonate within the depths of our soul.

A dance is an art form that is symbiotic, and God leads us and we must follow.

He tries to change us, to move us: to become the best version of ourselves. But again if we let Him, as we decide based on our freewill.

In the final analysis, Father Mike is on point that waiting for Christmas should not be passive at all. For a change, do something. Something you have never done. And, just do it.


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