People With Disabilities: Living Miracles
Sadly, in times of war, people with disabilities are the first ones to be discarded. That is a fact!
I have been writing about people with disabilities; the blind, the deaf, the mute, people without limbs, although not comprehensively. Yet.
Why? Because I myself have a disability.
I never pull that Disability Card here in my hometown lest I would be beheaded. The law protects us as it is written. However, narrow-minded people would state that I should not be included in that minority group because I come from a moderately privileged family.
It is crazy, psychotic, delusional that they would do that. People without disabilities will never understand what my brothers and sisters in the People with disabilities group are suffering as they go on with their lives.
If I don't tell people that I have a disability, they would never know, however, if I do tell them then they are surprised in disbelief.
People have taken advantage of me because of my disability. But, I turned the other cheek.
Yesterday, I realized that I still have to live a little bit more. I am, actually, just counting the days. I knew that it was my last day, but, the ones up there did something again to prevent it from happening.
They had my bike sabotaged, hmmm, well, that is a powerful word, maybe I should put it this way, the wheel got accidentally torn. Everyone was telling me, hey, you have a flat tire. I told them, I know. Then I carried it. I could have carried it all the way home but that would be showing off.
The epiphany that cleared my mind was, I could have been hit by a bus.
In hindsight, that had to happen.
Everything happens for a reason. What do I want? A broken bicycle or death?
To tell you the truth, because of my disability, I would have preferred the latter. But He did not grant me a free pass yet.
It would have been wonderful. And I would have been euphoric. But, for Him, not yet.
Not yet.
Not yet.
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