Intermission: The Beautiful Red Christmas Tree
'Um, Santa, I am a little bothered. Why are you decorating the Christmas tree?' As Susan parted her golden locks.
'Because I want everyone to feel a warm fuzzy feeling of joy when they see my masterpiece. And I am helping your despondent Dad, since your Mum passed on two months ago.'
Kim, the brunette, giggled. 'But Santa, that is so gay. And you are a man!'
'Shhhh... shhhh.... the evil one will hear that and he will have a field day.'
'It is not gay at all. Whenever a man or a woman creates something that is good they are taking part in the wonderful miracle of Creation.
'God the Father created the dainty flowers, the graceful birds, the majestic mountains, the delicate snowflakes and every beautiful thing you see on earth. Most importantly, both of you and I, were made in His own image and likeness.'
And when God looked at His handiwork, He said, "It's good."
'It is just that the fallen angels are trying to wreak havoc in the world. Deceptions, lies and traps. Well, they have extremely little time, so they are trying to corrupt fragile minds as much as they can.'
'Always be steadfast little children.'
'Do not believe everything you hear or see on TV, the internet, the radio, and media publications.'
'I suggest that you talk to your father about this topic to get a better understanding. Alright?'
'Yes, we will Santa,' both girls said.
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