Papa's Post: Pange Lingua
(A Caceres Translation)
We shall sing out our Saviour's glory!
O mystery! O wondrous story!
Of Your Eucharistic presence
In this sacramental essence!
O living Bread! O Fount of graces!
Here! For us! In this sacred place!
'Twas foretold that a noble maiden
A virgin pure, with graces laden,
Would give birth to our Redeemer.
Dreamt by every maiden dreamer,
It came to pass when Mary bore You!
Thus fulfilling God's promise of yore!
Then You dwelt among us, Your brothers,
Like You, conceived of mortal mothers.
You shared our works, our tears, our laughter
Teaching us of life hereafter.
The Word made flesh! Our Faith renewing!
Seeking all to be one with You!
The Passover, celebrating
The sacrament of Love partaking,
You made, of bread and wine, Communion
-Your flesh! Your blood! For holy union!-
For all ages, from the chosen few,
You in us! And we in You!
As we kneel down in adoration,
To you, in humble consecration,
We give our life, our all in all!
Every triumph, every fall!
Every smile, every sigh;
Every moment, till we die!
Praise the Almighty Father and the Son
And Holy Spirit, triune God in one!
Praise and glory everlasting!
May the blessing we are asking
Be upon all men of goodwill-
The Peace of Christ, only Love can fulfill!
"The problem of birth, like every other problem regarding human life, is to be considered, beyond partial perspectives--whether of the biological or psychological, demographic or sociological order--in the light of an integral vision of man and of his vocation, not only his natural and earthly, but also his supernatural and eternal vocation."
(7, Humanae Vitae)
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