Papa's Post: They give their all in all*

A candid shot of long ago
Caught two boys racing in the sun
Boundless energies aglow
With zest for carefree, innocent fun
Running laughter giving all
In all they did though big or small.

That was so long ago, I know,
In Sorsogon beside the bay
Where sea-kissed mountain breezes blow
Where fields are green from May to May.
The parish of impulsive Peter
And St. Paul who's none the meeker.

December-born and best of friends,
Both fell in love with one Beloved
And "lit their candles at both ends"
That they might have their mettle proved
For He who chose them from the rest
Would settle only for the best.

The "boy is father to the man"
And one can almost hear them still---
"I can run faster than you can!"
They pledged their heart and mind and will
And are still racing so it seems
In giving Christ their lives, their dreams.

You see, those two barefooted fellows
We knew as Jess Varela and
(At left) Carmelo "Boy" Morelos
Are new Bishops of this land
Both in their thirties when appointed
High-Priest, Prophet, Prince annointed.

"What makes a Bishop then," one asks,
"For some are young and others old
When chosen for episcopal tasks?"
Could that faded picture hold
The clue? Does the choice fall
On those who give their all in all?

*A pictorial in verse commemorating the episcopal ordination
of Bishop Jesus Y. Varela and Bishop Carmelo D.F. Morelos,
The Rainbow, June-July, 1967

photo credit: Beach Boys via photopin (license)
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