Papa's Post: Why Not His Way?

He chose to come as one among His own.
          Be born of Mary. A helpless little babe.

Whose coming was foretold yet came unknown
          Save to the Magi and shepherds by a cave

Who saw the angels sing their songs of praise
          To God and peace on earth to men of goodwill.

The humble, first to adore Him face to face!
          The Savior! In a manger! On a hill!

Bethlehem foreshadowing Calvary.
          We still spurn Him --- Lord of all creation!

This we do --- because He made us free ---
          From generation unto generation

All the while thirsting that strife may cease.
Why not be men of goodwill? His way to peace?

4 December 1988

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photo credit: Lamb of God 03 via photopin (license)
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