Papa's Post: Christmas Is For Everyone

Christmas is caroling all around.

It is "no class"! And gifts abound!

Christmas is a lot of fun!

But is there Christmas for everyone?

I asked my mother, and now I know

How Christmas came, long, long ago.

For God so loved the world, He gave us

His only begotten Son to save us!

One starry midnight when all stood still

Jesus was born in a cave on a hill

Because there was no room in the inn

For Joseph and Mary and our Saviour from sin!

God became man in a family.

Like everyone. Like you. Like me.

That's why families are holy

Rich or poor, mighty or lowly.

So Christmas is more, much more than fun

It's God loving everyone!

Loving every family!

Loving teacher, and you and me!

December 1994


Signs of the times

"Why did Mary and Joseph take the boy Jesus
to Jerusalem with them?" asked the Sunday School teacher.
"Because they couldn't get a baby-sitter?"

photo credit: So happy =) via photopin (license)
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