Papa's Post: The Ageless Story
There was no room at the traveler's house
No room for Mary, heavy with child!
That Joseph took his virgin spouse
To a stable for creatures meek and mild.
And so, when midnight turned into morn
A star came down when all was still
For Jesus, the Son of God! was born
And lay in a manger on a hill!
The shepherds - who, are perhaps the least
Among the poor upon this earth -
In Bethlehem, in the Middle East,
Were first to know of the Savior's birth!
From angels singing hymns of glory
To God in the highest, on earth, peace
Unto the just. The ageless story
Of how wars and strife may cease!
Something's there in humble things
So endearing to the King of kings!
6 December 1990
photo credit: Farmer Tying ram via photopin (license)
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