Papa's Post: The Summer Fire

Fire! Fire!! Fire!!
That dreaded cry! rings
Through the quiet of the night and brings
Dry-throated horror
At the furor of this rampaging terror.
Hear the echoing crash and crackle
And the hissing, maniacal sparkle
Of its merciless laughter as it swallows
Man-made structures, trees or willows
That haplessly lie in its path
Prey to the frenzied fury of its wrath!

Higher! Higher!! Higher!!!
Grows the crimsoned shadow
Of this dancing, prancing desperado.
Will its smoldering anger not subside?
Can't its greedy appetite be satisfied?
Hear the wailing of the sirens and the clanging bells
The sights of relief; and the clamoring yells
Of the rain-coated men in their red-painted wagon
Who strive to quench the thirst of this flaming dragon.
But, . . . its passion. . .uncontrolled grows hotter!
For, alas! again!! no more water!!!


photo credit: hydrant via photopin (license) 
License: (license)


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