Papa's Post: My Lady's Secret*
LORD, I have a question, if I may?
I don't say Mark is wrong, I wouldn't dare.
But John is silent, why? And John was there,
He was with Peter on that Easter day.
You see, the women reached the tomb that dawn
And found You gone! They found the stone rolled back
And useless were the spices in their pack!
And this by Matthew, Mark and Luke and John.
There's something missing in the lines I read---
Between the time the angel rolled that stone
And You appeared to Mary, nothing's known.
These precious moments have been left unsaid.
And since not all is in the written word,
I question, if I may, where were You, Lord?
YES, you know there's someone in my mind.
It dawns on me, the more I think on it!
Although it's circumstantial, I admit,
But there's no other answer one can find!
Could any other woman ever hold
A dearer, higher place than her? Whose grief
Was greatest yet unstained by unbelief?
Who bore the Promise, prophets had foretold?
Are you not "flesh of her flesh, bone of her bone?"
She, the blessed, humblest daughter of
The Father and the immaculate spouse of Love?
And she was not with them! She was "alone!"
Is this not what's beyond the written word?
Was she not waiting for her Son, my Lord?
Philippine Free Press, April 10, 1971
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