Papa's Post: Love for Love
a face, in pain, looks up to me
and i, his father, grieve
that he, though in his infancy
must shed the tears that leave
no man, no mortal free.
what must have been Thy agony
to hear Thy only Son
cry "why has Thou forsaken Me!"
when He, the Spotless One
was dying on the Tree?
a face, unheeding, frowns at me
rebellious at my call
and angered, i forget that he
is but a boy, for all
i see, is mockery
O! how boundless is Thy mercy!
endless is Thy love!
that seest but my human frailty,
i, Thy creature, who strove
to scorn and mock Thee!
i flounder on this raging sea!
i may not rise above
this coming swell! so if this be
my last, then hear, O Love!
my cry, my sigh of love for Thee!
29 mar 60
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