Papa's Post: The Warmth That Dries All Tears

Its name is Legion. Demonic possession uncurled
From out of seductive substances and weeds
Uncoiling astral dreams and frenzied deeds.
A deathly plague that's sweeping o'er the world.
Beguiling escape from strife uncomprehended;
A sly caress, embrace, then a python-hold
Crushing rich or poor, young or old.
'Tis said there's no way out till life is ended.
Yet, a few break out. From them we know
That 'twas the break-up of their family
That spun their insecurities and fears
The seeds from out of which addictions grow.
Could this, conversely, be the remedy?
Familial love --- the warmth that dries all tears?

8 Dec 92

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