Papa's Post: Ah Dawn Of Life Unending

"Death is not extinguishing a light

"But putting out a lamp for dawn has come!"

A light kept burning all throughout the night

For dawn comes, soon or not so soon for some.

All thru the twilight, Papa was by your side

Until the moment that your soul ascended.

For fifty-one years you were his beloved bride;

"Goodbye my love!" he sighed, when the vigil ended.

'Twas the feast of our Lady's apparition

To Bernadette at Lourdes, 'Twas dawn! For you!

Ah morn of life unending! Unprismed vision

Of God in Love's eternal rendezvous!

        Remember us who bear the pilgrim's pain!

        O Mama, pray for us still we meet again!

February, 1982

photo credit: Pink Dawn via photopin (license)
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