Patrick Lindsay: Know What You Want (James Comments...)
HOW OFTEN do we just meander through life? Wandering without any real purpose... or worse, allowing others to set our agendas. Take some time to focus on your real priorities. Distill your goals and choose your path toward them. It's the shortest distance between desire and fulfillment.
When you know better, you do better.
Maya Angelou
I have been writing since 2013, professionally, and since I learned how to write at Kindergarten. I love to write. That is my vocation. I love it, so, it is not work anymore but my passion and my purpose. I have to agree that there is a general feeling of fulfillment when you write better because you know better. However, it is a lifelong-learning-experience. They say experience is the best teacher. In life, you will have a plethora of choices, and myriad opinions, and plenty of advice. Be wise, as a Catholic writer, I base my innermost thoughts, desires, purposes, agendas, priorities, goals, paths, in line with Catholic Teachings that are anchored in The Roman Catholic Bible. I eliminate the negative: efficiently and effectively; and accentuate the positive, abundantly and assertively.
photo credit: EU Social a man working at home while eating breakfast via photopin (license)
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