Guest Post | Atty. Juan Luis Z. Carpio - Spirits...

(By jlzc, November 1, 2018)

This All Saints Day, I wondered: Where do the spirits go?

Gave me the goose bumps as I stood where waters flow.

Many childhood stories grim and happy we came to know.
Legend, fiction, or reality, different scenarios would show.

To the light, full of hope, or to the darkness and gloom!

To churches, cemeteries, ships, hi-ways, houses or a room.

To unexplored places where the mysterious abound and loom.
To salvation and eternal happiness or suffering and doom.

Circumstances of death may be in agony or in peace.

Or crimes and extra-judicial killings crying out for justice!

Where ever near or far our feet excitedly take us to roam,
Restless souls, our hearts always long to go back home!

Reunited in glory with the Groom, in communion with Saints!
A heavenly banquet, my mind in a picture, rejoicingly paints!

photo credit: translator, artist, Renaissance scholar Double Judgment via photopin (license)
License: (license)


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