Courage amidst darkness

Be not afraid of darkness, be bold, and be brave. Accept failures and defeats openly. They will make you better, stronger, and wiser. The more failures you experience the high probability of achievement you will add to your name. In any field, be it in sports, the academe, the arts or other institutions like government and other organizations, the likelihood of success depends on the acceptance of always trying to change a factor to accomplish a favorable result.

Patience and perseverance pay off in the end. A soldier mans his post all day or night with watchful eyes and a defensive stance. Never give up because you were born to win. The human spirit is so magnificent and the horizons are so vast for exploration and development.

Choose your battles well. A good commander knows when the battle is lost but do not despair because there are more battles that can be won and, ultimately, win the war. Fight for your dreams. They will happen. Success is not for the cold and timid souls. A thousand attempts are better than perennial hesitations. Again, dare to dream. You may not know it but it is so close yet it seems so far.

An Olympian knows this quite well. An archer for instance takes aim and shoots the arrow myriad times before mastery of almost always hitting the bullseye. An obese person has to walk every day for at least a year or two to lose the unwanted extra pounds of weight. The singer has to vocalize to hit the high notes with ease. A politician crafts his charisma to win a position in government. A writer composes literary work at least a line or two a day to be prolific and engaging.

As one poem suggests rest if you must but do not quit. While you are still here on Earth hope is not wanting. Each breath is hope. Each heartbeat is hope. Sigh and pray if you must because faith can, indeed, move mountains.

Courage does not mean you have no fear but you do it anyway despite of fear. Darkness is not only experienced by the blind, metaphorically, every human being encounters darkness in their life. Yet it is ironic that you only savor victory more if you had faced defeat.

Keep going even though times are difficult. Yes, life can be difficult and there are, indeed, struggles and sufferings. It is okay to experience failures. Self-compassion is key and the internal positive dialogue within yourself. You are your own friend.

Lord Jesus is our best friend. He is the Way, the Truth, and the Life. He is the Supreme Being of Light. Whenever we feel alone we should turn to Him for help for He will never let us down. When we walk in the valley of darkness we should like to call upon Him. He will leave the rest of the herd of sheep to search for the lost sheep. In the final analysis, we rest in His Sacred Heart. He is our refuge and our courage.

My email,

photo credit: Bob.Fornal Night Lights via photopin (license)
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