Guest Post | Atty. Juan Luis Z. Carpio - In Thanksgiving

In Thanksgiving

(August 25, 2018)

This is the day the Lord has made!

Almost did not make it, got scared.

Was it acid reflux, causing chest cramps

Last night, giving me the goose bumps?

Thirty three years in my life of bonus time

Seeking meaning, fulfillment, reason and rhyme.

In life with a cervical spine injury in constant pain

Rendered frail and weak, and future very uncertain.

But on this day even my security deposits are asked of me

To the very last, I had to give. Is my God simply crazy?

Now that I have nothing, I am open to EVERYTHING!

“In weakness, Power reaches perfection!” Worth experiencing.

This day is blessed with family and friends who greeted and prayed

The Lord gives and takes away, Blessed be the Name of the Lord!


“ 'Til the end of my days, O Lord, I will bless your Name.

Sing your praise, give You thanks, all my days. ”

photo credit: angela larose via photopin (license)
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