The Tunnel

There's a light at the end of the tunnel...

William Tucker always wondered that since three months ago, he had been dreaming about a tunnel. But, inside that tunnel was as radiant as the sun. It was not a dark tunnel like the usual quote people say. And, its lights are coming from a prism. Literally, the white light manifested in a spectrum of colors.

He works as a farmer, in a region called Key North, and he has six children.

His wife is a teacher.

"Paula, I dreamed about the tunnel again, and it's getting more amazing..." He told his wife upon waking up on a Thursday morning.

She whispered, "Okay, do tell me about it".

William told the dream, excitedly, for about an hour. Then, he paused and drank a glass of  water.

He proceeded to tell his wife that there is really something going on.

He further added, that when he took a cab in the city the driver told him that the recent hurricanes that the country was experiencing were signs that the ones in heaven are not very much pleased with what is going on here on Earth.

"Paula, after that conversation I began to have the dreams about the tunnel."

Then, the room felt really cold.

photo credit: Reza Vaziri Pierce Brosnan via photopin (license)
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