The Gates Final Episode

Gary Neutown was inching towards his parents' graveyard, with a cane now, while the scorching afternoon heat almost melted his body.

He noticed two young lads following him.

The older boy asked him, "where was he going?"

Gary, playfully, said, "to heaven..."

Then, the younger boy smiled, and told him, "look up...  there it is... hello, heaven."

Gary asked the two boys, "what are the two of you doing here?"

"We are looking for candles, Sir!"

"Well, well, well, not a lot of candles now, All Saints' Day is over," Then, he looked at them with forlorn eyes.

He took out his wallet and gave the two brothers a bit of cash.

Catching his breath and, barely, making an audible sound, he said while he was walking away, "study hard... for your future children..."

Soon after, Gary Neutown, peacefully, died in his sleep.

His time on Earth had ended.

photo credit: amAtya rAkshasa The last candle via photopin (license)
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