Debunking the New Year's Resolution Bias

I remember telling myself last January that my New Year's resolution would be just to be zany this 2017. I just wanted to have crazy fun.

Nothing illegal though.

And, nothing immoral.

I sung in public. That was really insane. I will not do that again for the rest of my entire life. 

In hindsight, since the audience were all, practically, intoxicated with liquor, I thought to myself that they would not recall what happened the morning after.

I was wrong.

It spread like wildfire.

So, I still sung last night.

There are a lot more things that I have done, however, are too delusional to be written and are better left unwritten.

Happy New Year 2018!

Moreover, please do make a New Year's resolution. 

We highly recommend it!

- From the Inspires Team

photo credit: Long Road Photography (formerly Aff) Happy New Year! via photopin (license)
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