Meet my Hater...

"So, you're big time now...

You are number 1 on the keyword results in my country...

You're famous...

Just admit it, you are now a celebrity...

Oh, THE writer!"

Those lines are echoes that resonate in my being.

What have I done?

Someone told me, "just own it. You worked hard for it."

I feel as normal as it gets...

I am reminded of that song from long ago, I must have done something good.

Nothing comes from nothing...

Nothing ever could...

Somewhere in my youth or childhood.

I must have done something good.

Being famous does not mean anything.

Only when I say hello to people who recognize me then it meant...

... everything!

I used to be my own hater.

That I am not good enough.

I stopped when I made someone cry because of what I had written.

I relished when I made someone smile.

And, I was jubilant when I made someone laugh.

Because you had read my words and gave life to them.

I made you feel what it is like to be broken, to fall,

Then, rise and stand, walk and move on, to give and strive for more.

The abundance of inspiration came from Him, I am but an instrument.

I read and write. But, you lived them as if it is your own.

My hater, me, my own self, miraculously, became a friend.

To carry on the torch of flaming light, and be victorious.

I am whole. One piece. Complete. And, with purpose.

I see the reflection of my hands, my fingers that laboriously work.

My craft is ever changing. Evolving. Always getting better.

One word at a time. Like breathing. I become alive!

Finally, I felt fulfillment when I inspired new writers like giving them just enough spark to light their own torch. I give the Glory back to Him. The Lord God.


photo credit: EmsiProduction On the other side. via photopin (license)
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