Crisis Resolution: How to turn a setback into a comeback!

That would be me last night, but on a bridge and looking into the river. I was meditating. I do that a lot, my pensive moments and breathing in the cool fresh air.

I work in Media, now as a writer. My works are featured in other parts of the world.

I have to be unoffendable. It is unfair but I live with it. No big deal, really. I am Mr. Nice Guy.

I was the one in charge of irate clients back in the day in one of the largest companies in the country. The usual approach of other inexperienced managers would be to fight with the clients.

That is skewed. It took a difficult time for your sales team to gain a customer then once that customer has a problem or any concern at all they treat them as an enemy?

Well, it is understandable. The irate client would be shouting at the top of their voice behaving like a wild beast. Maybe, that was too hyperbolic but it could really escalate to that degree. Human nature would be to react in the same way.

I do not do that. No, Sir. What I do is listen to the customer and let him speak his piece. That would normally take thirty minutes. During that time not a single word from me. Unless, there would be questions.

Then, I am amazed when after about 14 minutes or so, the client would calm down and then smile a bit.

I usually would offer the client a beverage from our backroom office and it also helps collect their composure.

But, nobody actually knows that approach to crisis resolution.

Now, when I become a customer. And the company is substandard. I just walk away. If I could run away from that place I would. There are a plethora of other high standard businesses, where customers are treated like a good friend.

Some businesses are so rigid they forget to be lenient.

In contrast, I have researched about the success of National Bookstore and the owner started with just increasing prices by five or ten centavos. Every centavo counts. Without a centavo there could not be a thousand Peso bill. Basically, they treat each customer in the same way, all customers are good friends.

A friend of mine would say how come you  took responsibility for something you did not do? I like to do that: to be the villain. To be aptly put, the fall guy.

Essentially, in the final analysis. God is watching us. He is Omniscient. A CCTV security camera is no match for The Big Boss upstairs. And, remember, I have always written for Him. 

There is a war going on... my question is whose side are you on?

photo credit: Theo Crazzolara On the edge - Cliffs of Moher via photopin (license)
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