Papa's Post: A Prayer for Pepe

The good are going, the ungodly reign!
Gerry. Ninoy. Not Pepe! (Why not Ferdie?)
The morrow promises more want, more pain
Don't take away our leaders! Don't let it be!
We need him as we struggle towards the dawn
Of self-determination. Where truth prevails.
With life again revered. With justice won
And peace upon us. Dissenters out of jails.
You "write straight with crooked lines!" 'Tis treason
Doubting. Without You, where can we go?
You are our all in all! You will the reason
For a leaf, a life; a friend or foe.
          Yet I must ask, beyond all I intend---
          Cure Pepe Lord! Because he is my friend!

Ichthys, 14 Sept 84

photo credit: dawn in port via photopin (license)
License: (license)


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