Papa's Post: When I Was Seven
They told me: "I was made to know
"To love, to serve God and to be
"Happy with Him forever in Heaven."
But, that was when I was Seven.
I'm older now, this rhapsody
For "Children only" brings but woe.
Philosophy, not "...Tales by Grimm"
Will break these cassock-sermoned chains!
Fulfillment: Reason unconfined!
And yet, this "Chance" or "Cause" or "Mind"
And all the "Whys" that numbed my brains
Don't they but end up "knowing" Him?
This want to possess but one above
All else! Ah, love! But then, what is
This Restlessness? This seeming treason
To my loves? This scheming reason
For craving more than earthly bliss?
That winds up, seeking, loving. Love?
To serve: a duty; to use the skills
That one possesses; so to please
By doing well what should be done.
But, Simpleton or Chesterton
When doing that which gives us Peace
Are we not doing what He wills?
No dream or promise ever thrilled
Inspired, intoxicated Man
Beyond all creeds, beyond all time
Than joy! The summit of this Climb!
Joy in an endless caravan!
Is this not Heaven? Love fulfilled?
Ah would that I again were "Seven"!
Thrilled by Love's Own Rhapsody!
Distilled of Pride's own Song of Woe!
And filled with Faith! That I may "know
"And love and serve God and be
"Happy with Him in Heaven"! Amen
photo credit: To Be Young Again, Ford Park, Redlands, CA via photopin (license) License: (license) photo credit: Oh Glorious Heaven via photopin (license) License: (license) photo credit: DSC_3139a via photopin (license) License: (license) photo credit: Reminded of Heaven via photopin (license) License: (license) photo credit: Checking on Early Growth via photopin (license) License: (license) photo credit: Mt. Fuji / 富士山(ふじさん) via photopin (license) License: (license) photo credit: Football à la plage via photopin (license) License: (license)