Inspiring In-depth Interview with George Nasr

( Mister George Nasr, farthest left ) Currently, parts of the nation are still suffering the destruction brought about by the Super Typhoon Gaemi, and that is just during storm season. Even on ordinary days, in June of this year 2024, the Head of the Maronites On Mission from Australia, Mister George Nasr, conducted a special charity endeavour. Tell me something more about this mission. How is it different from the regular charity work of the Maronites? Mr. Nasr, “The regular work I do with Maronites On Mission (MOM) usually targets and helps the masses. Larger groups of people whom benefit from large scale humanitarian aid. This mission was different, very specific, targeted to help individual needs of people.” When did you arrive in Naga and when was the mission accomplished? Mr. Nasr, “ I’ve been in the Philippines since June 17 through to June the 29th.” You mentioned that you and your three-member-team booked accommodations at a local hotel, this showed your dedication to help the...