Papa's Post: C'est Fini!
Now we can laugh; We've had enough Of the "long and sleepless nights" That made of us hapless sights Of worn and weary owl-eyed creatures, Almost eerie surrealist figures. It's time to forget The tears and the sweat Of desperate supplicants (Bar applicants) Begging numberless saints, "las almas Del purgatorio" for the answer to "Las Palmas"; Blessing, for "nunc pro tunc" and "disposicion Captatoria" these "5's" in class recitation. It was a gruelling race; At a killing pace; Thank God! now that it's over We are still sound and sane and sober. The readings from cover to cover, The coffee-cramming-coffee days are over; No more "aide memoire" Or 'clause compromissoire", Enough's enough! Now, we can laugh! 2-9-62 (after the Bar) photo credit: Justitia via photopin (license) License: (license)