Found in Translation
If he could then he would, he has tried myriad times. If he could take your sorrows away and bring gladness and joy, that he has been doing. However, there comes a time when dark days would come. We are all human. Indeed. That fateful day, he went for a pensive walk, he knew no one. Not a single soul. All nameless faces. It was disconcerting. But, he trudged on. Living in the City of Naga was bearable. His next of kin, just two. Bespectacled with a shade of goodness, with or without, actual eyeglasses made it adventurous. His Manila friends always reach out. Consequently, he is far and away. Unspoken His father spoke Spanish but he never spoke it with him. Only once, he heard him spoke that language when a Spanish-language professor visited their house. Providentially, his mother spoke the language of Cervantes with him. Hindsight, she had a premonition that he would study it at the university one day. It is a complex language. The syntax and other grammatical rules...