
Ascension Presents: The Most Important Part of Any Conversation

  Ascension Press  and  Ascension Presents   in collaboration with  Inspires   give you this riveting magnum opus.‎.. Condensed Reflection by James Z. Carpio No-brainer. I absolutely agree with Father Mike Schmitz. We save the best for last. May you be inspired by The Holy Spirit and God bless!

So, What is Christmas?

  "...Long time ago in Bethlehem So the Holy Bible say Mary's boy child, Jesus Christ Was born on Christmas day..." Why? Saint Peter denied Jesus. Saint Thomas doubted Jesus. Saint Martha was too busy. Saint Mary Magdalene worked in the oldest profession. Saint Dimas was a thief. Some were deaf. Some were blind. Some were mute. Some were lepers. Some were tax collectors. Some were prodigal sons. Some were prodigal daughters. Some were like lost sheep. Some were rich. Some were poor. Some were Patrician. Some were Plebeian. Some were Samaritans. Some were Jews. Some were Gentiles. Some were hungry. Some were thirsty. Some were naked. Some were in prison. And, Job was immensely tested. The list goes on… And it is long… More than billions of souls. So, What is Christmas? For all of the above. For God so loved the world that He sent His only begotten Son to redeem us all. For sinners; me and you and her and him. Again for us all. May you be inspired by The Holy Spirit and May...

Katekismo Corner: No. 4: On the Coming of the Redeemer...

  License: (license) photo credit: UGArdener Merry Christmas from Savannah via photopin (license)

Basilica Bulletin: No. 4: 4th Sunday of Advent 2020

  License: (license) photo credit: Cornelia Kopp PeaceOnEarth via photopin (license)

Exclusive for Bicol Mail Inspired: Christmas outshines virus: increasing Divinity...

  I almost died a few months ago. Not of COVID-19 but something else… It was pitch black, drizzling, no stars, no moon, and the lamp post light was kaput. I was cycling straight ahead and suddenly, a black S.U.V. turned to its left. I pedaled to the left lane and there was an approaching vehicle and all passengers and the driver shrieked in horror. Still I am here, writing just for you. Why? It is the Season of Christmas. Now, more than ever, we are closer to God all the more. He loves us dearly. He hears our prayers, wishes, hopes, and dreams. He can see the tears in His children’s eyes. The more His Divine Love increases. When we realize that we absolutely need Him: He is steadfast and merciful. Loving. Our Father. I guess we forgot Him a little bit. We removed Him from our lives before the pandemic. We had taken Him for granted. However, He works in mysterious ways. He used Modern Technology to unite us all. The nations worked together for a vaccine. Hold on a little bit longer....

ABC STARS Inspires: Pons Carpio: Pianist: Sana'y Maulit Muli

  Pons Carpio

ABC STARS Inspires: Atty. Juan Luis Z. Carpio: 12

  12 What myst'ries to delve This December  Twelve With a sturdy  yelve 'Til we see that elve...