
Patrick Lindsay: Make Your Presence Felt (James Comments...)

Gandhi YOU GET only one chance at this life. It makes no sense, then, to simply disappear into the crowd. Pay due respect to your existence. Acknowledge those who helped to form you. Isolate the things that are precious to you. Stand up for them. Live them. --- To believe in something, and not to live it, is dishonest. Mohandas Karamchand (Mahatma) Gandhi (1869-1948) --- James Comments You sow what you reap. If your existence is all about hatred you get hatred in return, however, if your existence is all about love you get love in return. It takes a a village to raise a child, be grateful. Pay it forward by being a blessing to the world. Be a light to the world. I am only happy when everybody is happy. God and humankind are precious to me. Each life matters. Every human being matters. Each and every single one of us deserves love. photo credit: jimforest Gandhi via photopin (license) License: (license)

Patrick Lindsay: Find the Humor (James Comments...)

WHATEVER THE situation, however dire it seems at first glance, there's always a bright side. And looking at the funny side releases tensions. It puts things into perspective, and opens the mind to possible solutions. --- Humor is one of the best ingredients of survival. Aung San Suu Kyi (1945- ) --- James Comments Dr. Jose Rizal wrote that the Hope of Our Nation lies in the hands of Our Youth. The innocence of the youth. Smile because after all, it is free. photo credit: Glendale Lapastora's Pictures (Official) 158 EDITED JPG FILES Photoshoots at Bluebay for Filipino Project November 26, 2018 via photopin (license) License: (license)

ABC STARS Inspires Presents: Pons Carpio

A Tribute: Aaah, COVID-19, Yet God's anger spawns goodness, Prayers, Love, Heroes. *A love song to all front-liners who heal our land, "through the eyes of love." Share to all the front-liners you know, you love.

Patrick Lindsay: You Get What You Work For (James Comments...)

THERE ARE exceptions, but hard work usually bring rewards. Like sports pros, the harder you work, the luckier you get. Position yourself for your best chance at success. Should circumstances turn against you, take satisfaction in knowing you tried your best. That's way ahead of leaving things to chance. --- Amateurs practice until they get it right; professionals practice until they can't get it wrong. ANONYMOUS --- James Comments. Back in the day, I was obese, from 250 plus pounds, thru discipline and determination I exercised almost daily in a period of over two years, now I am 159 pounds. So far, I kept the unwanted pounds off. It is an achievement. It is best not to succumb to a defeatist attitude. Try and try with a changed factor until you reach your goals. Success! photo credit: Paolo Margari | il mondo occidentale via photopin (license) License: (license)

DOWNLOAD and PRINT: Basilica Bulletin: No. 19: April 5, 2020

photo credit: kreg.steppe Palm Sunday via photopin (license) License: (license)

Basilica Bulletin: No. 19: April 5, 2020

photo credit: kreg.steppe Palm Sunday via photopin (license) License: (license)

DOWNLOAD and PRINT: Semana Santa at Home...
