Papa's Post: A Father's Letter
A.M.D.G. 7 February 1975 Maritess, my child, It was 19 years ago today that you were born in our nipa hut, in our 8BCT camp atop a hill, beyond Baras, Rizal, beside Laguna Bay. And I recall those days because until last Sunday, we were "allowed" to be free for 14 days from your birthday up to the 21st (from 7 to a number divisible by 7) to discuss this coming referendum on 27 February (ending in7). When I think on it, Iget mad. That the exercise of our freedom of thought, opinion and conscience should depend on but one man. As if we owe our inalienable rights to any mortal on earth. As if man, created in the image and likeness of God, did not have freedom and human dignity as his birthright. And I feel sad. Very sad. For no one else is to blame but ourselves as a people. We act today as if freedom should be given on a silver platter. And not, as it should be, asserted precisely when threatened and despite the odds. As if we are not descended fr...