Travel: Pesos/Yens/Dollars/Euros and Sense in The Philippines: You MUST read this!

A friendly advice, when taking taxis always tell the driver to use the meter.

For forty Pesos you could go to a nearby destination if you take a tuk-tuk.

A taxi fare would cost around 80 Pesos. Tip if you like but you do NOT have to, alright?

If you do not know, they, actually, could charge you 300 Pesos for a tuk-tuk ride. Imagine how much they would charge you for a taxi ride if you do not know the real deal.

That is ridiculous! (Karma would be served to them as what they deserve in the end.)

Here, money talks.

Caucasians are treated like Automated Teller Machines, hence, be really careful.

Money does not grow on trees. We all know that, even if you could afford it, do not buy it. 

At the Manila International Airport, I was able to talk to a Japanese couple and they bought a luxury wine and the Customs took it away from them. I had to apologize in behalf of the Good and Honest Filipinos for what happened. They were extremely upset. It was very, very, expensive. What a sham! I was so ashamed and disgusted. 

Scams are everywhere. Lavatories? Check if they have mirrors. Sometimes they record or take pictures.

The plot thickens.

Because of close circuit television or security cameras. You are marked already. A person of interest, so to speak!

Just chill, relax, and walk away. No need for confrontation. Otherwise it could get from bad to worse. We, certainly, do not want that.

For restaurants, International Chain of Recognized Establishments are highly recommended. Unless, you have a local host then you are in good hands.

Do watch out for red flags and treat them as deal breakers. Players here are called "Paratudok". To say that in English is they would pierce, stab you until you ran out of blood very much like a leech who extorts profit from or sponges on you.

Here, prices are, extremely, affordable. This is not Tokyo or Zurich.

For reviews of hotels and other businesses, our common sense should shed light on shady deals. It could be a troll or just a paid reviewer.

As a media practitioner, I advise you to be careful with messages. They can show their side but they would, intentionally, leave out your side of the story.

General rule is, if there is no photo or video then you do not have to worry at all. If they have been edited then it could be examined thoroughly.

The truth shall prevail as always.

Moreover, if you are going to meet someone then a public place would be better with a security camera.

Personally, the good far outnumbers the bad. For your safety, forewarned is forearmed.

The Other Side...

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